Meet Matthew Davey, the DJ and Coordinator for really fun Celebrations. Learn more about Matthew here – with a slight addiction to bow ties, and fun-loving personality!

If you care to share, how did you get to where you are now?
I started out back in 2004 playing gigs in bars and entertaining college parties. At the same time, I spent a decade working for an event production company as a technician. In 2014, I decided to focus on weddings and create a brand of DJs with energetic personalities that wear bow ties. Then COVID-19 happened and I rebranded as a DJ and Coordinator for weddings designed to be fun

What makes you or your business stand out and why should a couple hire you?
For couples that have fun at the top of their wedding checklist, Bow Tied Weddings should be one of the first conversations you have after getting engaged. If you look at our reviews, you’ll see that I love going above and beyond for my couples. By being more than just an entertainer, I can ensure that your wedding weekend is an absolute blast by helping to coordinate all the details, so that everything runs smoothly. I’m also very active in the community. Every summer, I hit the road in my Bow Tied Bus to raise money for local food banks through events I’ve created to bring people together.

What’s your favorite thing about working in the wedding industry?
I genuinely love getting to know each and every couple (and their crew), what they like to do, how they envision their wedding weekend, and where they want to go on their honeymoon. I really enjoy helping a couple entertain their life’s moments. I sincerely treasure the friendships that I’ve cultivated with the many couples for whom I’ve had the honor and privilege to be a part of their wedding journey. Also, the many wedding professionals that I’ve formed friendships with over the years of working together is a community that I wouldn’t trade for anything.

What’s a unique tip you tell your couples?
If you can swing it, have a walkthrough at your venue, one to two months out, and invite all of your core wedding vendors (the ones that will be there all day). Make it fun and pop some bubbly with your team. But also make sure everyone is on the same page with timeline and layout, so everyone is able to highlight their strengths. Who wouldn’t want your wedding team to LOVE working together?

What’s your best piece of advice for couples planning a wedding?
Have a date night every month on the same day of the month as your wedding date and mark off some things from your checklist while you’re at it. If it falls on the weekend, make it a fun-filled day date!

What’s your favorite moment during a wedding?
My favorite moment is the end of the night, during a couples’ last dance, when it’s just the two of them on the dance floor, and you can see them recalling the whole weekend of fun with their family and friends. It really is a magical moment.

If you care to share, what’s a funny/awesome story from a wedding you’ve worked?
I had an outdoor wedding that was temporarily rained out. The dance floor was soaked and the tables were soaked. No worries, I extended the cocktail hour and had the tables reset. The funny part was dancing to “Wipe Me Down” with towels on my feet as I wiped off the dance floor. Couples that book me place the dance party as their highest priority, so I had to make sure their guests could dance without slipping and falling!

How do you de-stress?
Well, I own a bus that I converted into an RV, so if I want to go to the beach, I go to the beach. If I want to go to the mountains, I go to the mountains. If I want to park in a walkable neighborhood full of restaurants, I go. Home is where I park it. Travel is how I de-stress!

Do you have a pet?
Yes, I have pitbull named Franklin James. He is my road dog, adventure buddy, and the sweetest boy. He loves to swim, run through fields, and make new friends. You can occasionally find him “driving” our bus!

What would your perfect Saturday be like?
Honestly, my perfect Saturday is a large ballroom wedding with 200 people screaming at the top of their lungs, jumping up and down to their favorite songs, the newlyweds in the middle having the time of their lives!

Do you love to travel? If so, what are some must-see destinations?
Is this rhetorical? Haha. Outside of the #BowTiedBus, I love flying to Europe and the Caribbean. I definitely have some great Honeymoon suggestions. To name a few, I’ve been to a London, Barcelona, Athens, Santorini, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Rico, and I’ve even stayed at a Sandals resort in Jamaica. I may have a few ideas planned for the future!

Reach out to Matthew to see how he can help create the most fun wedding.



Lauren + Alek's Wedding at Main Street Station


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